The 5G revolution is already here. On 04 May 2021, DOT, Govt. of India has granted permissions to Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) for conducting trials for use and applications of 5G technology. The duration of the trials, at present, is for six months. The TSPs are encouraged to conduct trials using 5Gi technology in addition to the already known 5G Technology. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has also approved the 5Gi technology, which was advocated by India, as it facilitates a much larger reach of the 5G towers and Radio networks. The 5Gi technology has been developed by IIT Madras, Centre of Excellence in Wireless Technology (CEWiT) and IIT Hyderabad.
5G technology is expected to deliver improved user experience in data download rates (expected to be ten times that of 4G), up to three times greater spectrum efficiency, and ultra-low latency to enable the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). Applications are across a wide range of sectors such as agriculture, education, health, transport, traffic management, smart cities, smart homes, and multiple IoT applications.
The 5G testbed at IISc will create a 5G prototype and testing platform for developing innovative baseband algorithms under the guidance of the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) at IISc. One of the technologies driving 5G, which is being explored at IISc, is massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output). IISc is also building hardware that can work in 5G frequencies. We are fortunate to be associated with IISc and have access to all the facilities at IISc.
Mobile phone companies could focus on developing India-specific use cases mainly around the healthcare, education and agriculture sectors, as reported by the Economic Times.We at L2M Rail have the infrastructure in place to try 5G for Railway Signalling User Cases. We are willing to collaborate in developing India-specific user cases for 5G driven train control systems/ railway signalling.
We are looking for TSP, 5G and 5Gi Technology players to join inexperimenting Railway User case ( 5G for Cyber SIGNALLING ).
TSP and 5G/5Gi Technology Players: Please email [email protected]or call +91 948 321 4567 if you are interested inexperimentingwith 5G for RAILWAY SIGNALLING.